2024 Tag Questions

Dave's Tag Jan 6, 2024
1. What is the funniest thing you’ve ever experienced?
2. If you could eat only one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be? 
3. Suppose you could bring life to any fictional character. Now, which one would you choose? 
4. Imagine you won the lottery of a million dollars. What would you do after winning the lottery?
5. Do you think in the name of success we trade lives for money?
6. Who is the famous person you would like to meet in person?
7. Imagine that the whole world is listening to you for a minute. What would you like to tell?

Dave's Tag Jan 13, 2024
1. What is the place where you wouldn’t mind waiting for a long time or being alone?
2. Have you ever been utterly disappointed by a place you visited? 
3. What is your most prized possession?
4. If you were the head of a conspiracy theory club, what would it be?
5. If you were an ice cream, which flavor would you be? 
6. What is the creepiest children’s movie, TV show or book you have ever come across?
7. What is the one legal thing that you would make illegal if given a chance?

Dave's Tag Jan 20, 2023
1. What is the most embarrassing moment you have ever experienced? 
2. What do you find is the sexiest name?
3. Are you a workout person or a lazy one? 
4. When was the last time you cried while watching a movie?
5. What’s your favorite sports team?
6. What is the first thing you notice in someone when you meet them? 
7. If you had a soul animal, what would it be?

Dave's Tag Jan 27, 2024
1. What is the one thing in which you get completely lost? 
2. What qualities or traits attract you most in a friend? 
3. What is a situation, place, or thing that makes you really uncomfortable? 
4. If you have to define yourself as a season, what would it be? 
5. What is the first thing that usually comes to your mind when you are alone?
6. What is the one thing that you’d like to change in your life? 
7. Are you a ‘fix it’ person or a ‘replace it’ one?

Dave's Tag Feb 3, 2024
1. What is the thing from your daily life that you’d stockpile like crazy if it’s going to get banned suddenly?
2. What is the one thing that you did in the past that you’d never like to do in future? 
3. What is one simple thing about someone’s behavior that completely blows you away?
4. What kind of a romantic relationship do you consider ideal for you? 
5. What are the things you look for in a guy/girl when you are interested in them? 
6. If you could be a part of a reality show as my partner, which one would it be? 
7. What turns you off more than anything else in a person you are thinking of as a date?

Dave's Tag Feb 10, 2024
1. Are you comfortable with the other person taking the first move towards you?
2. If you had to choose between smartness and happiness, what would you choose? 
3. What is a thing that is usually considered weird or strange but you find attractive in people? 
4. If your life is a food dish, what is it? 
5. What is the weirdest compliment you’ve ever got?
6. What is better – being dumb or broke? 
7. How innocent would you consider yourself on a scale of 1-10?

Dave's Tag Feb 17, 2024
1. What was your most weird wish as a child? 
2. What bad habits do you have?
3. What was the dumbest thing that you have ever done because someone challenged you to do so? 
4. What is the dumbest thing you ever did on your own? 
5. What are the best friendship goals according to you?
6. Are you a procrastinator?
7. What do you think holds you back from your goal?

Dave's Tag Feb 24, 2024
1. What are your habits that you believe would change your life for good if you can get rid of them? 
2. What hard experience made you stronger in life?
3. What did you learn recently? 
4. In 20 years what will you miss most from your current life?
5. What is the most beautiful thing about waking up in the morning? 
6. Who is the person/s in your life you love a lot but often couldn’t show it to them? 
7. Do you think you’re being honest with yourself regarding what you should and what you want to do in your life?

Dave's Tag Mar 2, 2024
1. Can you tell one of the fondest memories of your childhood? 
2. What was the funniest or weirdly useful advice you got? 
3. What is a unique life hack that saved you a lot? 
4. What is the one thing you have got that you can neither use nor throw away?
5. At someone else’s place or at a hotel room, what was the wildest thing you ever did? 
6. What is the strangest tasting food you have ever had? 
7. If you were a product to be sold, what would be three fun facts or marketing characteristics about you?

Dave's Tag Mar 9, 2024
1. If you had to change your name to something else, what would it be? 
2. What makes you stand out in a room full of people? 
3. Describe yourself in three words. 
4. What is a food that reminds you of home? 
5. What do you like more – kissing or cuddling? 
6. As a child, what was a thing about your parents as a couple that you really adored? 
7. Do you want to be pampered?

Dave's Tag Mar 16, 2024
1. What is your most favorite memory in life till now? 
2. What is the one thing about yourself that makes you frustrated?
3. Do you think you love yourself enough? 
4. Do you think you are boring company?
5. Have you ever danced like a crazy person when no one was looking at you? 
6. Are you a bathroom singer?
7. Do you enjoy gossiping with your gang?

Dave's Tag Mar 23, 2024
1. Have you ever laughed so much that you ended up crying?
2. Have you ever had a heated quarrel with someone over something only to realize later that you were the one at fault?
3. Do you have a belief in the existence of paranormal beings?
4. Have you ever been dating someone secretly?
5. When was the last time you laughed heartily without any significant reason?
6. When was the last time you cried? 
7. How do you see the concept of God or the Divine Source?

Dave's Tag Mar 30, 2024
1. With each passing day, what kind of a person are you turning into? 
2. Does money work for people, or, do people work for money?
3. Do you enjoy your own company? 
4. What is your biggest struggle in life at present?
5. What do you think would matter most in your life if you live to be 100 years old? 
6. Which animal or bird would be rudest or most savage if they had the ability to talk? 
7. Name any three things buying together can bring you a weird look from the cashier at the store.

Dave's Tag Apr 6, 2024
1. From which public place you’re more likely to get banned? 
2. What is the one thing that you find similar in a date and a job interview? 
3. If you had to throw away any one of these, which one would you throw – Love, Money, or Health? 
4. On a lazy weekend afternoon when it’s raining outside, what movie or TV show would you like to watch?
5. Do you believe in the existence of aliens? 
6. What is the earliest time you have ever got up from bed?
7. Imagine you can be a part of any fictional story – be it a book, a movie, or a web drama. Which one would it be for you?

Dave's Tag Apr 13, 2024
1. Who do you think is the best among the famous historical figures to be the CEO of a dating app? 
2. If you could make any of the famous people of history as your personal adviser, who would it be? 
3. If you could choose 100 acres of land from the hills, by sea, or forest, which one would you choose? 
4. If you could get access to anyone’s phone gallery, whom would you choose?
5. What was the most interesting rumor you heard about yourself? 
6. What is your weirdest guilty pleasure? 
7. If you could ban a food combination, what would it be?

Dave's Tag Apr 20, 2024
1. As a kid, what was your favorite board game? 
2. What is the one thing that didn’t change in you from your childhood to your adulthood?
3. Do you make bucket lists? 
4. Suppose you have got a time machine that you can use only once. Would you choose to go to the past or visit the future? 
5. How would your dream house look? 
6. What is the one song that reminds you of good things in your life? 
7. What smell makes you nostalgic?

Dave's Tag Apr 27, 2024
1. What was the most beautiful sleeping experience you ever had?
2. Suppose you are invisible for today. Hence, what are the things you’d do being invisible? 
3. What one thing do you find too boring that others seem to enjoy? 
4. What would you like to invent?
5. If you could turn into a cartoon character, what would it be?
6. Can you describe your favorite color without mentioning its name? 
7. Which holiday do you like most?

Dave's Tag May 4, 2024
1. Would you rather live a life in a chaotic but luxurious city or a calm and simple life in the lap of nature?
2. Would you rather leave your current home to never return or would you live there for your whole life? 
3. Would you like to be with someone who loves you or the one whom you love?
4. If you had a choice between looking like a potato and feeling like a potato, what would you choose?
5. Would you rather always speak the truth in every situation or lie in every situation?
6. Would you choose to be never noticed or always noticed?
7. Would you rather have $50,000,000 or complete happiness for the rest of your life?

Dave's Tag May 11, 2024
1. In 10 years from now, what is the one thing that you are looking forward to most? 
2. What makes you fall for your loved ones once again? 
3. On which topic can you talk endlessly, staying up all night? 
4. What seems better for you – Stability or Spontaneity? 
5. What are the things that make two people complimentary or perfect for each other? 
6. What is a little thing that can make you happy instantly? 
7. According to you, what is the best way to spend a snowy evening?

Dave's Tag May 18, 2024
1. Is there anything that you always wanted to ask someone but never asked?
2. Have you ever lost someone close? 
3. Who do you trust most in your life?
4. What do you think makes life worth living?
5. Is there anything you did which makes you feel guilty even today?
6. What is the one moment of your life when you felt happy being you? 
7. Do you think emotions are universal?

Dave's Tag May 25, 2024
1. What would happen if this night never ends? 
2. Do you think you’re successful in life till now?
3. Do you believe in magic? 
4. Who is the one person you want to punch in the face if you could do it invisibly? 
5. If you get a chance, would you like to be a villain or a hero for a day? 
6. If you could enter your favorite video game for 1 hour with the condition that you have to survive on your own in this hour, would you go for it?
7. What do you think needs to be more clean – bathroom vs bedroom?

Dave's Tag Jun 1, 2024
1. What is the one thing that you absolutely detest but use anyway? 
2. Which day do you consider as the beginning of the week? Sunday or Monday?
3. Suppose a genie granted you a wish, what would it be?
4. If you could meet any historical figure or mythical creature, who would it be? 
5. If you had to turn all your clothes colors into one, which color would it be?
6. If you could have a superpower of any of the comic book character, what would it be?
7. If given a chance, which animal/bird trait would you like to include in humans?

Dave's Tag Jun 8, 2024
1. If you had to choose between being a part of an anime or a drama, which one would you choose?
2. If you could turn any ordinary thing into a treasure, what would it be?
3. If you were the boss of a secret club, what would it be about? 
4. How often do you lick your plate after finishing your food?
5. What do you think about the FRIENDS TV show? Is it good or bad? 
6. Have you ever had a crush on someone who has a very different relationship with you? 
7. What is the longest time for which you skipped a shower?

Dave's Tag Jun 15, 2024
1. What or who is the thing or person you pretend to dislike but like secretly? 
2. Have you ever stalked someone online?
3. How was your first kiss? 
4. Have you ever had a secret crush on someone present in this room?
5. Do you pick up and eat up the food, dropped on the floor? 
6. What is the one thing about you that you never want your parents to know about you? 
7. What do you think is the most convenient punishment you have ever seen or heard about?

Dave's Tag Jun 22, 2024
1. If there had been a rule to add a mandatory amount of alcohol in a profession, which profession would be the perfect fit? 
2. Suppose a zombie apocalypse broke out in your city. How would you prepare yourself for combat?
3. What is the one conspiracy theory that sounds more interesting than the reality?
4. Can you tell the last experience that you had for the first time in life?
5. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done? 
6. If you could summon a ghost of any person ever, whom would you choose?
7. What is the one thing about you that even you wouldn’t believe if the same was told for someone else?

Dave's Tag Jun 29, 2024
1. If you could freeze the world for one day, what would you do?
2. What is the color of the mirror?
3. What is your favorite sleeping position?
4. Who is your favorite celebrity crush?
5. In a week, what day is your favorite one? 
6. How often do you talk to yourself? 
7. Do you think life is a destined cycle of good and bad times?

Dave's Tag Jul 6, 2024
1. Among all the dreams you have ever had, which one is the scariest as you recall now? 
2. What is the one life lesson that you’d like to pass on to your kids? 
3. Do you think dreams are the expressions of our inner desires?
4. Do you preserve random little gifts like greeting cards, flowers, etc? Or, do you throw them away?
5. What is the best compliment you ever received?
6. What do you consider as the best part of your personality? 
7. What are your times to go to bed and get up from bed usually?

Dave's Tag Jul 13, 2024
1. Do you consider yourself as a religious or spiritual person? 
2. Who is the family member you find yourself most comfortable with? 
3. Do you believe that dreams are a part of reality? 
4. Which is the one outfit that you wear mostly when relaxing at your home? 
5. Who is the one person you love most in your life? 
6. Are you into politics? 
7. What is the one thing that comes to your mind instantly when the word ‘FUN’ is uttered?

Dave's Tag Jul 20, 2024
1. What is your biggest weakness?
2. What is the first thing that comes to your mind to do while no one is around you? 
3. What are the things that excite you? 
4. Are you more of a solitary person or an extrovert? 
5. What are the things that make you happy? 
6. Are you active on social media? 
7. What do you take as the best part of your day?

Dave's Tag Jul 27, 2024
1. What takes the biggest chunk of your time in a day? 
2. Which is the last thing or occassion that made you laugh hysterically? 
3. What do you admire most in people? 
4. What do you think is easier – keeping an old friendship for a long time or making new friends? 
5. What is your favorite color? 
6. What are your favorite movies? 
7. Who is your favorite person in life?

Dave's Tag Aug 3, 2024
1. What is your favorite leisure activity?
2. What is your favorite winter beverage?
3. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
4. What is your favorite book? 
5. What is your all time favorite song or music ? 
6. What is your favorite emoji?
7. What is your favorite time of a day?

Dave's Tag Aug 10, 2024
1. What is the one thing that most of your friends don’t know about you?
2. What is a dish that you mostly have in your meal?
3. What was the biggest highlight of your day?
4. How do you like to spend most of your time on an ordinary day?
5. How do you want to be known?
6. Are you doing well? 
7. What was the last thing you did that made you happy?

Dave's Tag Aug 17, 2024
1. What is the one thing that most of your friends don’t know about you?
2. What is a dish that you mostly have in your meal?
3. What was the biggest highlight of your day?
4. How do you like to spend most of your time on an ordinary day?
5. How do you want to be known?
6. Are you doing well? 
7. What was the last thing you did that made you happy?

Dave's Tag Aug 24, 2024
1. What makes you respect your partner?
2. Do you prefer long term relationships or short term commitments? 
3. Are you comfortable with long term relationships? 
4. What is the best relationship advice you ever got?
5. What counts as a family time?
6. Do you think friends can be a family?
7. What one step did you take today towards a happier life?

Dave's Tag Aug 31, 2024
1. How would you describe your typical day? 
2. Turning your life until now as an autobiography, what are the major chapters in which you’ll divide it? 
3. If asked about sharing your idea of a perfect life, what would you say?
4. Recently, what is the one decision you made that was difficult for you?
5. When was the last time you slept like a baby?
6. When was the last time you took a stand for yourself when you were wronged by someone? 
7. What was the one thing that you almost ruined but managed to make right in the end?

Dave's Tag Sep 7, 2024
1. What one weakness of yours do you want to leave now?
2. What is the one thing that made you upset when you did it but don’t regret it now? 
3. What made you smile recently?
4. What is the best thing that happened to you recently?
5. Have you ever had an experience when a stranger helped you unexpectedly?
6. What are you grateful for in your professional life? 
7. What is the best gift you’ve ever received?

Dave's Tag Sep 14, 2024
1. When was the last time someone stood by you? 
2. What part of nature do you feel thankful for? 
3. What is the one thing that you did for yourself? 
4. When was the last time you practiced self-compassion?
5. What is the one thing that makes you feel thankful about being yourself? 
6. What is the one essential thing that you want to change about the world? 
7. What is the one thing in the world that you wish never ever changes?

Dave's Tag Sep 28, 2024
1. Suppose today is your last day in this world. What one thing do you want to explore or experience for the last time? 
2. What is a song you can’t stand? 
3. Are you more of a text person or an emoji/GIF one? 
4. What is the one food item that you never get tired of eating?
5. What is your most used emoji? 
6. What is your favorite meme that you’d like to share with me?
7. What is the most interesting thing you did recently?

Dave's Tag Oct 5, 2024
1. What is the most hilarious pic on your phone now?
2. What was the dumbest pick up line you ever heard? 
3. Who is the person with whom you have the most text messages? 
4. What do you prefer more – texting or phone calls? 
5. What is the most entertaining thing you came across online? 
6. What was the lowest point of your life? 
7. What was the highest point of your life till now?

Dave's Tag Oct 12, 2024
1. What do you think about where your life is heading? 
2. What one small goal did you achieve that you’re proud of? 
3. What one decision you made that proved to be a life changing decision? 
4. What one thing you’d like to share that you never told anyone? 
5. What is one decision or step that greatly improved your life?
6. What is your one secret silly dream? 
7. In a social gathering, do you like to make your presence clear to everyone?

Dave's Tag Oct 19, 2024
1. Who is the one person in your life from whom you want to ask for forgiveness but couldn’t? 
2. Do you think that time is a reality or an illusion?
3. Do you believe in the concept that something is better than nothing? 
4. What do you think is the meaning or purpose of life? 
5. Do you believe in the concept of karma? 
6. In this world when everything is interdependent, do you think free will really exists?
7. What do you think happens after death?

Dave's Tag Oct 26, 2024
1. Do you think immortality is really a curse or boon? 
2. When morals and ethics change from time to time, are they really meaningful? 
3. Do you think a person can ever be fully right or wrong?
4. Is there anything called selfless love really? 
5. What have you done recently to make someone happy?
6. What matters most in the end? Being happy or successful? 
7. When was the last time a child smiled at you?

Dave's Tag Nov 2, 2024
1. What smells refresh you instantly?
2. What one touch sensation do you really love?
3. What desert do you love most?
4. When was the last time you saw the sun rise? 
5. What is a poem that always makes you feel good? 
6. Listening to whose voice makes you feel relaxed? 
7. What are the three beautiful things around you now?

Dave's Tag Nov 9, 2024
1. What is the one place in the world that you’d describe as the dream place of your childhood?
2. Do you think it’s a perfect day to explore new places and people?
3. If you could go anywhere in the world now, where would you like to visit? 
4. What is your favorite mode of transportation? And which one do you prefer the least? 
5. What makes a perfect vacation? Is the place, the people you are with, the comfort or luxury with it, or your inner feelings associated with the vacation? Or, maybe a blend of all? 
6. Do you think you’d be comfortable to visit alone to a completely unknown place? Or, would you be a bit afraid and nervous?
7. Which country is your dream destination for a long vacation?

Dave's Tag Nov 16, 2024
1. What is your fondest travel memory till now?
2. Do you like traveling unplanned like a free spirited traveler or like a well-planned tourist?
3. Do you prefer traveling in cities or natural landscapes? 
4. Imagine you have the ability to draw or paint anything that you have ever seen. What would you paint? 
5. When was the last time you jumped? 
6. When was the last time you tried your hands at something new? How did it feel? 
7. What is the one piece of sound that you absolutely love? Your child’s words? Or, a favorite music? And what about the sound of rain?

Dave's Tag Nov 23, 2024
1. How much do you believe in others, if given a scale of 0-10?
2. What according to you is the worst crime? 
3. What was your weirdest belief as a kid? 
4. Which one do you think has a higher chance to happen? A one-sided love or a two-sided one?
5. Do you think it’s okay to break your promise or to take your word back if it can do more good to people than harm? 
6. Would you like to get acquainted with your own self if you were a different person with a separate entity?  
7. What piece of advice would you like to give to your younger self?

Dave's Tag Nov 30, 2024
1. Would I regret in future if I don’t change my present?
2. Do I love myself enough? Like, do I pamper myself, pat my back, and stand by me in hard times?
3. What is my dream life? And how can I get a step closer to it?
4. Am I curbing my emotions? Do I let myself express my heart freely?
5. When was the last time I let myself cry my heart out? 
6. Have I laughed heartily recently?
7. When was the last time I tried to step out of my comfort zone?

Dave's Tag Dec 7, 2024
1. Do you believe in yourself? 
2. Do you trust those close to you?
3. Do you trust the government?
4. Do you think there will be a plague that will devastate humanity?
5. Do you think humanity will end in war?
6. Do you think religion will fade away in the future?
7. Do you think people will ever travel to another earth-like planet?

Dave's Tag Dec 14, 2024
1. How many times have you been to another city in the past 5 years?
2. Is there a person you lost contact with you would really like to spend some time with?
3. Did you play on a sports team as a child or teen?
4. Have you ever played chess in the park?
5. Have you ever had to do a quick fix on your car or truck to get you home?
6. When was the last time you spent the day at the lake or sea front?
7. Have you ever just wanted to scream in the middle of a crowded place?

Dave's Tag Dec 21, 2024
1. As a child did you ever get physically punished in public?
2. As a child did you ever get lost from your parents when out somewhere?
3. When was the first time you realized your parents sometimes lied to you?
4. Did you figure out that Santa was not real, or did you have to be told?
5. Is there one teacher from your past that stands out more than the others for a good reason?
6. Is there one teacher from your past that stands out more than the others for a bad reason?
7. As a child or teen, did you ever have a party when your parents were away?

Dave's Tag Dec 28, 2024
1. Do you think humanity will ever learn to live in peace?
2. Do you think there will ever be a one world government?
3. Do you think we will colonize Mars or is this just a pipe-dream?
4. Do you think we will ever travel far into space in ships that will take generations to get to their destination?
5. Do you think we will run out of resources in the future?
6. Do you think mining the asteroid field will be a thing in the future?
7. Do you think there will ever be a space station that is only for tourists?


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