Spooky University Topics 1 to 130

Spooky University 1
Commercial Haunted Houses
-Do you go to them?
-Do you enjoy them?
-Do you think they are more for kids?

Spooky University 2
Ghosts and the paranormal
-Do you believe in ghosts?
-Have you ever had a ghostly encounter? (tell us about it, show us evidence)
-What do you think about the "ghost hunting" shows?

Spooky University 3
Bad Drivers
-What's your definition of a "bad driver?"
-Do you consider yourself to be a bad driver? If so, why? If not, why not?
-What are some of the things that other drivers do that you wish they wouldn't do?

Spooky University 4
Political Correctness
-Do you try to be politically correct?
-Do you think there is too much attention paid to political correctness? How far is too far?
-What do you see as the strangest/craziest politically correct "thing" people are asked to do or say?
-Any other points about this topic?

Spooky University 5
College Education
-Should college education be free for all?
-Are students gaining the knowledge they need from their college education to make it in the "real" world?
-Are college-level instructor’s good enough?
-Should college-level instructors be required to work in their field of study before being allowed to teach?
-Do you have a college education? Do you believe that it's necessary to "make it" in the world?
-Any other points you would like to discuss about this topic?

Spooky University 6
Conspiracy Theories
-Which Conspiracy Theories do you believe or not believe?
-Do you think that Oswald was the lone gunman in the JFK assassination? Was LBJ involved?
-Is there a government cover-up concerning UFO's? Do you believe in them?
-Are there subliminal messages in print and TV ads to get you to buy the product?
-Are crop circles a hoax or are they real? What makes you believe one way or the other?
-Is there a secret group running the world? If so, who is it?

Spooky University 7
Circuses and/or Clowns
-Do clowns/circuses scare you? Why or why not?
-When was the last time you went to the circus or saw a clown?
-Do you collect anything related to circuses or clowns? Are you willing to show us?

Spooky University 8
Body Modification
-Do you have tattoos/piercings/scarification, etc.?
-If you have not modified your body, would you consider doing so?
-What are your general (or specific) thoughts about tattoos, piercings, etc?
-What do you think about the stereotypes that normally accompany people who have made modifications to their bodies?

Spooky University 9
Should prostitution be legalized?
-Why or why not?

Spooky University 10
Global Warming
-Is it a fact or a myth?
-Is there anything we can do about it (if it is a fact)? If so, what?
-Do you feel that you are part of the solution or part of the problem (if there is one)?
-Would you be willing to adopt a polar bear to save them from extinction or are they just good eats?

Spooky University 11
Dreams and Nightmares
-Where do dreams/nightmares originate (internal or external)?
-Do you think the images you see in your dreams/nightmares have meaning?
-Can dreams/nightmares be predictors of things to come?
-How often do you dream or have nightmares?
-Tell us a story about a great dream or nightmare that you have had.

Spooky University 12
Suggest ways to get out of the economic recession.

Spooky University 13
Nature vs. Nurture
-Do you think people are a product of their environment (i.e., were they raised that way)?
-Do you think people are a product of their genes (i.e., were they born that way)?

Spooky University 14
Are we alone in the universe?

Spooky University 15
Is reality real?
Could we be brainwashed into believing that our reality is real when it is not?

Spooky University 16
Charging Overweight People More for Flights
-Do you think people of size should be charged more to fly?
-Should airlines just make their seats larger?
-Is there a compromise?
-Who should be the judge of whether a person is charged more or not?
-What about people with two heads? Should they be charged extra?

Spooky University 17
-What is the nicest compliment you have ever received?
-What is the nicest compliment you have ever given?
-What is the nicest compliment you have ever heard?
-When given a compliment, how do you normally respond?
-Anything else about compliments?

Spooky University 18
-What are your thoughts on rudeness?
-Talk about a situation you were in where someone was rude to you. How did you handle it?
-Talk about a situation you were in where you had to be rude. Why did you feel that you had to be rude? Did being rude help?
-Talk about a situation you were in where you saw or heard someone being rude to another person. How did it make you feel? Did you do something about it? How did the other person deal with it (the one on the receiving end of the rudeness)? Did you think the situation could have been handled differently? If so, how?

Spooky University 19
Ouija Boards
-Have you ever used a Ouija board? If so, what was your experience? If not, would you ever consider trying it?
-Do you see the Ouija as a game or something real?
-Is the Ouija evil or simply a tool for communication with the spirit world?
-Do you think it actually works?

Spooky University 20
-What's your personal definition of gossip? (Avoid looking it up...I'd like to know how you see it.)
-Do you gossip? If so, do you enjoy it or does it make you feel guilty?
-Has gossip ever made a good impact on your life? A bad impact?
Bonus: Are you an eavesdropper?

Spooky University 21
-Are you a smoker?
-Have you ever been a smoker?
-If you quit or tried to quit, what was the result? Gained weight? Got mean?
-Do you think the tobacco companies use additives that make cigarettes more addictive?
-What about second-hand smoke? Does it really cause issues?

Spooky University 22
Spoiled Children
-Who is to blame for spoiled children?
-How can the situation be "fixed?"
Bonus: What about spoiled parents--those who think they should get their way, even if it could harm the child (mentally, developmentally, physically, emotionally)?

Spooky University 23
Copyright Infringement
-What is the purpose of copyright law?
-Why is copyright so important?
-What is "fair use"?
-I didn't know that what I was doing could be illegal. Am I off the hook?
-What is your take on the copyright infringement policy right here on YT?

Spooky University 24
Computer Addictions
-Are you addicted to anything computer-related? If so, what?
-Why do you think computer games, etc. are so addictive?
-What suggestions do you have for getting people away from the computer for a while?

Spooky University 25
How do you stay organized?

Spooky University 26
Legalization of Marijuana
-Should marijuana be legalized?
-Just for fun?
-Medical reasons only?
-Have you ever used marijuana? Did you like it?

Spooky University 27
Museum Of Your Life
If there were a museum dedicated to you/your life, what items would you want displayed?

Spooky University 28
-Have you had these sort of things done to you? If so, how did you deal with it?
-Have you done these sort of things to others? If so, did you do something to correct the situation? Did you realize that you had done something to bother/hurt the other person?
-Have you witnessed things like this done to others? How did you react?

Spooky University 29
Tools for Financial Organization
-How do you keep your finances organized (software, manual filing system, etc.)?
-When do you pay bills? First of the month, middle of the month, as the bills come in?
-Do you use one credit card to pay everything and then just pay on that? Do you think that's a good idea or not? (I had someone suggest this to me, so I'm curious if anyone actually does it and how it works for them.
-Have you ever had a really bad experience with a company or creditor regarding a bill? Tell us about it!

Spooky University 30
Exotic Pets
-What do you consider an exotic pet?
-What do you think of owning exotic pets?
-Would you own/have you owned one of these types of animals?

Spooky University 31
Dream Interpretation
-Do you remember your dreams?
-Do you dream in black and white or colour?
-Have you ever read a dream "dictionary" or a dream interpretation book? If so, what did you think? If not, would you?
-Do you have "strange" or "normal" dreams?
-Have you ever had a dream that you later experienced in "real life" (some may call this a vision)?
-Any fun/interesting/scary dreams you can share with us?

Spooky University 32
December 21, 2012 (End of the world)
-What do you know about this prediction?
-Did you look it up for your response or have you already been thinking about it?
-Do you think the world will end on that date? If so, why? If not, do you think some other major change will occur?
-Have you planned anything "just in case?"

Spooky University 33
Personal Paranormal Experiences
-Have you ever had any personal paranormal experiences?
-If so, please tell us about them.
-If not, do you believe in ghosts?

Bonus Halloween:
-What did you do this Halloween?
-Did you celebrate Halloween as a kid? If so, what did your family do?
-Did you have any trick-or-treaters this year? If so, how many?

Spooky University 34
-Do you think bigfoot exists?
-What, if any, local legends are there in your area?
-Have you ever encountered a bigfoot? If so, tell us about it! If not, what do you think you would do if you did run into something like this?

Spooky University 35
Board/Card Games
-Do you like to play board/card games? Why or why not?
-What is your favourite and least favourite board game?
-What is your favourite and least favourite card game?
-Do you have any ideas for a board or card game that you would like to see made into a reality?

Spooky University 36
Weird/Wacky Neighbours
-Do you have weird or wacky neighbours?
-If so, what makes them so weird/wacky?
-If not, are you the weird/wacky neighbour?
-Are you friends with them or do you just say, "hi" in passing?

Spooky University 37
Weight Loss/Gain
-Do you struggle with weight loss/gain?
-Have you tried several diets/weight gain plans? Tells us about it?
-Do you exercise or not? If so, what different things do you do?
-How do you deal with weight loss/gain during the holidays?
-Do you make a New Year's resolution every year that has to do with weight loss/gain?

Spooky University 38
The G-Spot: Fact or Fiction?
-Is the g-spot fact or fiction?
-What evidence do you have to back that up?

Spooky University 39
The Loch Ness Monster
-Do you think there's a "Loch Ness Monster?"
-What do you think of the "evidence" that's out there?
-If it's not a "monster," what do you think it is that people are seeing?

Spooky University 40
Blind Dates
-Have you ever been on a blind date?
-If so, how did it go?
-If not, would you?
-Tell us a fun, scary, or interesting blind date story (your story or one that you've heard)

Spooky University 41
Out of Body Experiences/Remote Viewing
-Have you ever had an out of body experience? Tell us about it.
-Has anyone you know ever had an out of body experience?
-Have you ever tried remote viewing? Did it work? Where did you go/what did you see?

Spooky University 42
Super Heroes
-Do you have someone in your town who dresses up and "protects" the city?
-If so, can you get a picture of them and include it in your video? If you can't get a picture, describe their costume.
-Who is your favourite famous superhero? Why?
-If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Why?

Spooky University 43
-Real or not?
-Would you want to be a mermaid/merman? Why or why not?
-What do you think about the "documentary," if you saw it?

Spooky University 44
YouTube Gatherings
-Have you ever attended a YouTube gathering?
-If so, where was it? Did you have fun? Would you do it again?
-If not, would you? How far would you be willing to travel?

Spooky University 45
Roller Coasters
-Do you like to ride roller coasters or do you think they're dangerous?
-Think they're fun? Tell us about your favourite coaster, if you have one.
-Think they're dangerous? Did something happen to you or someone you know to make you think this way? Tell us about it.

Spooky University 46
-Do you like to watch zombie movies? If so, tell us about your favourite.
-Zombies in "real life"...real or not?

Spooky University 47
-Have you ever been to a convention (sci fi, comic book, etc.)?
-If you have, did you dress up or not?

Spooky University 48
True Love
-Is true love real?
-Have you ever experienced it?
-Do you believe there's one person for everyone?

Spooky University 49
Scariest Place to Visit
-What is the scariest place you've ever visited? Why was it so scary?
-Is there a place you've not visited, but think would be scary to visit?
-Use those or come up with your own, tell us a story, or make something up!

Spooky University 50
-Do you like cemeteries? Why or why not?
-Do you have video or pictures of your favorite cemetery? Show us!
-Do you consider cemeteries peaceful or creepy or something else?
-Have you ever had a strange or spooky experience at a cemetery?
-Talk about cemeteries in any way you like or go to a cemetery and film or take pics and share!

Spooky University 51
Collection Show and Tell
What do you collect? Tell us, show us!

Spooky University 52
Psychic Connections (Friends & Family)
-Have you ever been thinking the same thing as someone else?
-Have you ever been thinking of someone and received a call/text/email from them at that moment?
-Have you ever sensed that something has happened or is going to happen to someone you know? Did it come true?

Spooky University 53
Time Travel
-If you could travel through time, where/when would you go?
-Do you think time travel is possible? Why or why not?
-Do you have a favorite book, movie, TV show that incorporates time travel?
-Discuss the theory of relativity ;-)
-Make up a story about time travel.

Spooky University 54
Spirits Attached to Inanimate Objects
-Do you think spirits can attach themselves to inanimate objects? Why/why not?
-Have you ever owned an object that you thought was "haunted?" If so, do you still have it? Show it...if you want :~)

Spooky University 55
Moon Phases
-Do you think the phases of the moon change people's mood?
-Are things crazier for you around the time of the full moon?
-Do you have anything you do to celebrate the phases of the moon?
-What's your favorite moon phase?

Spooky University 56
Online Dating
-Have you used an online dating app? If so, which is your favorite and why?
-Have you had any good or great experiences with online dating?
-Have you had any bad or horrible experiences with online dating?
-If you haven't used an online dating app, would you?

Spooky University 57
-Are you familiar with geocaching?
-Have you ever geocached? If not, would you?
-What's your favorite geocaching story?
-Any bad experiences with geocaching?
-Any geocaching tips/tricks?

Spooky University 58
Death Crowns
-Have you ever heard of this?
-Have you ever known of someone finding this? Who?
-What do you think causes it?

Spooky University 59
Paper, Plastic, or BYO?
-When asked, do you choose paper or plastic? Or, do you usually bring your own bag?
-What do you think about a city charging extra for each bag?

Spooky University 60
Out of the Ordinary Festivals
-Do you attend any "out of the ordinary festivals?"
-Why do you think they are "out of the ordinary?"
-Tell us what goes on at these festivals

Spooky University 61
Personal Museum
If you had a museum dedicated to you, what would be in it?

Spooky University 62
Preferred Living Environment +Bonus!
-What's your preferred climate?
-What type of house do you prefer?
-What type of furniture do you prefer?
-Name three things you are good at.
-Name three things you like about yourself.

Spooky University 63
People/Things in Your Life (purpose and longevity)
-Do you think people and things come into your life for a reason or is it completely random?
-Do you have examples of why you think one way or the other?
-Did you ever think differently? If so, what changed your mind?

Spooky University 64
-Do you have a birthmark?
-What is it?
-Where is it?
-Have you ever thought about changing it?
-Do you think it holds magical properties? If it were not there, would you be a different person?
-Do you find birthmarks interesting?

Spooky University 65
What do you want done with your body (post-mortem)?
I think I will leave it as-is and let you answer the topic question as you like. Have fun with this one!!

Spooky University 66
Exotic Pets
-What do you consider to be an exotic pet?
-Do you have an exotic pet? What is it?
-Do you know someone with an exotic pet?
-Of the pets considered to be exotic, which would you *not* own?

Spooky University 67
How do we express ourselves without fear?
-What are some ways you have expressed yourself without fear?
-How did you learn from expressing yourself?
-What advice would you give to someone who wants to express themselves, but is afraid to do so?

Spooky University 68
Bush Party
-Have you ever been to a bush party?
-Do you have any fun or scary stories to tell?
-Did you know what a "bush party" was when I pulled the topic?
-Any other info you want to share on this one is welcome!

Spooky University 69
Weird Things You Do
-What are some "weird" things you do and why do you think they are weird?
-Were you ever afraid to tell someone about those "weird" things you do?
-If you did tell someone, did you find out they did that "weird" thing too?

Spooky University 70
-Do you have any predictions (psychic or not)?

Spooky University 71
-Are chemtrails really a conspiracy theory or do you have proof?
-What chemicals are in the trails?

Spooky University 72
-Do you like storms or are you afraid of them?
-Do you have any storm video that you can share?
-What do you like to do during a storm?
-What do you do when your power goes out?
-Any other storm stories?

Spooky University 73
Haunted/Creepy Dolls
-Do you own any haunted or creepy dolls?  Will you show us pictures or video?
-Do you think it's possible that a doll can be haunted?  Why or why not?
-Do you have any haunted or creepy doll stories to share?

Spooky University 74
-Do you think we'll ever be able to teleport humans (or anything)?
-Would you be willing to teleport to different locations?
-Anything else you'd like to tell us about teleportation?

Spooky University 75
Butterfly Effect
-Pick a decision or situation in your life and tell us what would have changed had you gone a different direction.

Spooky University 76
-Have you ever been hypnotized?  If so, what happened?  If not, would you?
-Have you ever seen anyone get hypnotized?
-Do you think hypnosis really works?

Spooky University 77
-Had you heard of Slenderman before I pulled the topic?
-Is Slenderman real?
-Does the idea of Slenderman scare you?
-What would you do if you saw Slenderman (or something like him)?

Spooky University 78
Nikola Tesla
-What do you know about Nikola Tesla?
-What is your opinion of him?

Spooky University 79
Technology & IQ
-Do you think technology is effecting IQ?  How?

Spooky University 80
Alien Abductions
-Do you know anyone that claims to have been abducted by aliens?  If so, tell us about it.
-Have you ever been abducted by aliens?  If so:  Tell us what happened.  Was there any time loss?  How did they communicate with you?
-Do you believe that aliens abduct humans?

Spooky University 81
Zombie Apocalypse (Who, What, Where)
-In a zombie apocalypse, who would you bring with you, what would you bring with you, and where would you go?

Spooky University 82
-Do you have any phobias?  What are they?
-Are there any phobias that you think are extra interesting or odd?
-What is the best way to cure a phobia?

Spooky University 83
Self-Driving Cars
-Did you think you would see self-driving cars in your lifetime?
-Would you ride in a self-driving car OR have you ridden in a self-driving car?
-Would/do you own a self-driving car? Or, do you know anyone that does?

Spooky University 84
Communicating with the Dead
-Do you talk with people in your life who have passed away?  If so, how?
-Have you ever dreamed of someone from your life who had passed away?  Did you consider that a way that they were communicating with you?
-Have you ever used a specific tool (e.g., ouija board, medium, psychic, tea leaves, candles, etc.) to communicate with the dead?  What was the outcome?

Spooky University 85
100 Years from Now
-Describe our world as it will be 100 years from now.

Spooky University 86
Tell us a scary story

Spooky University 87
Psychic Pets
-Do you think pets can sense how you're feeling?
-Do you think pets can let you know about impending danger?
-Do you think that pets can see spirits?

Spooky University 88
Best and Worst Way to Die
-What do you consider the best and worst ways to die?

Spooky University 89
Geocaching Alone - Pros and Cons
-What would you consider the pros and cons of Geocaching alone?

Spooky University 90
Power Outages
-What do you (or you and your family) do during a power outage?

Spooky University 91
Worst Nightmare
-What's your worst nightmare (either sleeping or not)?

Spooky University 92
Imagine a world with no religion
-Tell us what you think the world would look like without religion.

Spooky University 93
A Right Choice
-Talk about a right choice you made and what made it right.

Spooky University 94
An Awkward Social Moment
-Talk about an awkward social moment.  Why was it awkward?  How did you get out of it? Or, did you?

Spooky University 95
A Hard Lesson
-Talk about a hard lesson you learned and how you/if you changed because of it.

Spooky University 96
Will there ever be world peace?
- Do you think there will ever be world peace?  Why/why not?

Spooky University 97
Words That Stung
-Talk about something someone said to you or to someone else that were hurtful.
-How did you respond? 
-Did you learn any lessons from the situation?  What were they?
-What are you thoughts on how to express something without hurting someone?

Spooky University 98
Something you witnessed
-Share something you witnessed and how that situation affected you.

Spooky University 99
If you had power, what would you do with it?
-If you had power, what would you do with it?

Spooky University 100
What has Spooky University Meant to You?
-What has Spooky University Meant to You?

Spooky University 101
When you need a hug
-When do you need a hug?
-Are you a hugger or not so much?
-Do you usually know when others need a hug?

Spooky University 102
Talk about you!
-Where were you born and raised?

Spooky University 103
What would you do with $1,000,000?
-Would you keep all of the money?
-Give it to charity?
-Travel around the world?
-Pay bills?
-What would you do with it?

Spooky University 104
Your Favorite Time With Family

Spooky University 105
Black Holes
-How much did you know about black holes before your response?
-Did you do any additional research?
-What do you think about black holes?
-Can you imagine so much gravity?
-Where do you think things that get pulled into black holes go?

Spooky University 106
The longest moment you've ever had.
- What was the longest moment you've ever had?
- How did it affect your day, week, month, life?

Spooky University 107
-What was your favorite trip? Why?
-What was your least favorite trip? Why?
-Where would you most like to travel?

Spooky University 108
If you could invent something
-Have you ever invented something? Tell us about it!
-What do you think should be invented?

Spooky University 109
Where would you go hide?
-If you wanted to get away from everything, where would you go to hide?

Spooky University 110
Your Most Fortunate Day
-What was your most fortunate day and why?
-Were there any lessons learned from that day?

Spooky University 111
A kiss that meant a lot
-Tell us about a kiss that meant a lot.

Spooky University 112
Haunted Houses (real)
-Do real haunted houses exist?
-Have you ever been in a haunted house? If so, tell us about your experience.
-If you don't think haunted houses exist, explain/debunk some of the stories you may have heard.

Spooky University 113
A failure you experienced
-Talk about a failure you experienced.
-What did you learn?
-Did it change your perspective on anything?
-Does it serve a purpose today?

Spooky University 114
Your favorite art/artist
-Talk about a failure you experienced.
-What did you learn?
-Did it change your perspective on anything?
-Does it serve a purpose today?

Spooky University 115
One thing you would change about yourself
-What would you change?

Spooky University 116
If you could live in a different country, in which country would you live?
-If you could live in a different country, in which country would you live? Why?

Spooky University 117
How Money Matters for Your Life
-How does money matter for your life?
-Take this in any direction you like... :)

Spooky University 118
One thing you would change about the world
-What is one thing you would change about the world and why?

Spooky University 119
Ghosts vs. Spirits
-Are ghosts and spirits the same thing? If they are not the same, how are they different?
-Do you believe in ghosts or spirits or both?

Spooky University 120
An Animal that could be in Charge of the World
-What animal could be in charge of the world and why?

Spooky University 121
Why you can you succeed in life
-In what ways can you succeed in life?
-What advice do you have for others to help them you succeed in life?

Spooky University 122
How did you and your best friend meet?

Spooky University 123
A Surprising Turn of Events You Experienced
-Talk about a surprising turn of events you experienced
-Had anything like that ever happened to you before?
-Has anything like that happened to you since?

Spooky University 124
Have you ever broken any bones?
-Which bone(s) did you break?
-What happened?
-How long did it take you to heal?

Spooky University 125
A fear you've overcome?

Spooky University 126
If you could change someone's life
-Whose life would you change?
-How would you change it?

Spooky University 127
A difficult choice you've made
-Tell us about a difficult choice you've made.
-Why was it difficult?
-What was the outcome?
-Was it worth the difficulty of making the choice?

Spooky University 128
Victorian Hair Art
-Do you know what this is?
-What do you think about it?

Spooky University 129
Flat Earth
-Talk about why or why not you think the Earth is flat?

Spooky University 130
Wiccan Beliefs
-What do you know about Wicca?
-Do you think it's a religion?


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